Wyoming Mountain Lion Hunting
Directory of 10 Wyoming Mountain Lion hunting lodges, guides and outfitters in Wyoming.

Mountain lion hunts start November 15 and run through the month of March. Lions are hunted on private ranches, National Forest and BLM. All offer great access and lots of lions. A lion track is located in fresh snow with ATV's and the hounds are set free on the track. The end result is a trophy mountain lion treed. All hounds are owned and trained by myself and you won't find a better pack of hounds. If your looking for a thrilling one-on-one hunt with with top notch hounds, this hunts for you!

The Wyoming Mountain Lion/Cougar season runs from September ? March, however the most successful time to hunt a mountain lion is during the winter months. We like to schedule our mountain lion hunts from November-March when there is adequate snow on the ground for our dogs to help track and catch these elusive animals. We start very early in the morning looking for a fresh mountain lion track. Once we have found a good track, the hunt is on! However, finding the track is just the beginning to what can be a very long day of hiking through the toughest of terrain. We strongly encourage all of our mountain lion hunters to get in the best shape possible prior to their hunt. Due to the extreme physical exertion required for this hunt we strongly discourage anyone with health concerns or medical problems from attempting this hunt.

Our mountain lion hunts are definitely one of our favorites. They are also one of the most unpredictable. We use highly trained hound dogs and enthusiastic lion chasing guides. This can be one of our most fast paced hunts. With temperatures sometimes ranging from -30 degrees and snow all the way up to t-shirt weather and no snow, it's anyone's guess here in Wyoming! What we can be sure of is our dogs and guides are ready to work for you! Whether we are on a hot lion track or sipping coffee watching the snow fall in sub zero temperatures, we will do our best to make sure you have the hunt of a lifetime!

Mountain Lion Hunts. The ultimate fang and claw trophy!! We hunt the lions in several areas in Bighorn Basin where our lion population is outstanding. Success on these hunts is great with large toms being taken. Hunting methods include 4x4, foot, snow machines, 4-wheelers and dogs on a one hunter, one guide basis. This is a seven day hunt beginning December 1st and running through February. Hunt dates are flexible.

Come join us for the adrenaline rush of Mountain Lion hunting. One of the ONLY outfitters in Wyoming that offers year-round lion hunting. We will use any travel means necessary to adapt to the conditions and your level of comfort, pickup, side-by-side, or horseback. All Lion hunts will based out of town and you can expect to return to your cabin or motel every night. There is almost always snow during our Full priced hunts allowing us the most common method of traveling roads until we find a track that looks desirable to pursue with our hounds. As access gets limited later in the year or during poor snow conditions, we'll hike canyons, ridges, and other places these big cats frequent.

Mountain lion tags are over the counter in Wyoming! This grueling hunt is like no other. We have a tremendous success rate on our six day mountain lion hunts. The season runs from October through March. The best conditions are when fresh snow hits the ground for tracking. We use a pack of blue tick hounds and you won't find a guide anywhere that will work as hard for you as our "Lion Guy" Steve! Come hunt cougars with Timberline, you're guaranteed a license.

Mountain lion hunts are 5-day hunts, and start around November 15th, (due to the elk hunting season), and run through the end of December. We have a 18 cat quota on the lands we hunt. We can take up to two hunters at a time at the most, with each hunt guided on a one-on-one basis, and with another houndsman we work as a team to make it happen.