Sierra Blanca Outfitters
Peter Romero - Guide/Owner
Chacon, NM 87713
Contact Info:
Phone: (505) 429-2887

Welcome to
We are a licensed and insured outfitter out of
Hunting at
You will be presented with the ability to take many trophy class animals while enjoying a well organized operation. You can hunt with your choice of weapon be it bow, muzzle loader, rifle or other primitive methods. We have guaranteed land owner elk and antelope tags available for an additional fee for those individuals who are unsuccessful in drawing a public tag.
Rates at
Cougar Hunts
- $3500.00 per person (any 5 consecutive days)
Oct.1 thru March 31 2009
Lodging at
All meals, lodging, and transportation to and from the field will be taken care of for you. You will not have to worry about the field dressing, packing, or photos of your trophy. Here at Sierra Blanca Outfitters we go to great lengths to make sure that every one of our hunters has an enjoyable, comfortable and successful hunt.